In crude terms, if the assets produce a negative income, the fund will need more of them to match a given liability. 粗略来说,如果资产产生的收益为负,那么基金就需要更多资产来匹配给定的负债。
Lehman's limited partner fund interests, which hold less liability, probably total no more than$ 1bn, one person close to the matter said. 知情人士表示,雷曼的有限合伙人基金权益(持有负债较少)总数可能不超过10亿美元。
Study on the Amount of Limitation Fund of Oil Pollution Damage Clain Liability 关于油污损害赔偿责任限制基金数额的研究
Second, the amendments shifted from the EPA budget to the federal judgment fund liability to indemnify producers, distributors and others for economic loss when EPA suspends or cancels a registration. 第二,修正案把环境保护局预算转嫁给联邦审判资金。当环境保护局终止或者撤销注册时,用以偿付生产者、销售者和其他经济损失者。
Where the secret key is disclosed for improper keeping thus causing any loss of fund, relevant responsible party shall bear the liability for compensation as required. 因保管不善泄露密钥,造成资金损失的,有关责任方应当按规定承担赔偿责任。
Fund of Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 海事赔偿责任限制基金
An application for constituting a limitation fund for liability may be submitted before bring an action or during the proceedings, but it shall be submitted at least before the making of the judgment of first instance. 设立责任限制基金的申请可以在起诉前或者诉讼中提出,但最迟应当在一审判决作出前提出。
Perhaps the existence of a fund makes it easier to monitor the liability and to make needed adjustments accordingly? 或者说,有了养老基金就可以更好地控制负债并且做出相应的调整?
For separate the special marine risk, except the acting party in marine tort law who bear the first step liability, the insurer and the fund become the subjects of liability of marine tort law in the second step. 除了承担第一层次责任的海上侵权行为主体,保险人和基金为分散海上特殊风险,作为第一层次的责任主体提供经济后盾,成为第二个层次上的海上侵权责任主体。
The pension fund is an asset with the nature of liability; so, an investment policy should be required. 养老基金是一种长期债务性资产,应进行必要的谨慎投资,研究表明,谨慎的投资政策往往伴随着较高的再保险水平。
In view of the network user are lacking of capital fund and technical force, we should apply Presumed-default Liability Principle. 对于网络隐私权的归责原则,鉴于网络用户的个体资金、技术力量薄弱,因而应当适用过错推定责任。
Meantime, ship oil pollution damage compensation system still preserving the traditional limitation of maritime liability, the compensation claim to oil pollution damage is limited, Both civil liability person or his guarantor and compensation fund burden compensation liability in certain extent. 同时,船舶油污损害赔偿保留了传统海事责任限制制度,赔偿主体对油污损害的赔偿是有限度的,民事责任人及其保证人和基金都在一定的限额内承担赔偿责任。
Constructing a kind of responsibility fund on international marine environment damage refering to that of international civil liability is a good choice to settle the key problem. 本文拟借鉴国际民事责任基金机制,探讨构筑一种广泛适用于责任主体为国家的跨界海洋环境损害赔偿基金机制。
Researches are carried out on the dynamic assets allocations of fund companies, individual financial plans, banks assets liability management and pension problems. 对基金公司的多阶段资产配置问题、个人财务计划问题、银行资产负债管理问题以及养老金问题进行研究,针对每一个具体问题对目标函数和约束条件进行了调整和改进。
The civil liability of the fund includes the responsibility of the contract and liability for tort, the two are bearing the protection fund holder's duty together. 基金民事责任包括合同责任和侵权责任,两者共同承担着保护基金持有人的职责。
Withdrawing the risk fund or purchasing the liability insurance. 第六,提取风险基金或购买责任保险;
The author tries to compare the Chinese fund law with foreign ones in terms of the legal liability of fund manager in default and gives some relevant advice on the investment fund law of China. 文章就基金管理人违反义务的法律责任对中外投资基金立法进行了对比分析,在此基础上对我国正在制定中的投资基金法提出了相应的立法建议。
Firstly, this part begins with double compensation subject mechanisms& liability insurance and compensation fund, which define the position of the system of liability insurance in legislation of compensation for oil pollution damage on the whole. 首先从油污损害赔偿立法的现状引出两重赔偿主体机制&责任保险和赔偿基金,从整体上明确责任保险制度在油污损害赔偿立法中的地位。
Reserve is a kind of fund reserve drawn from insurance income for insurance organizations to assume immature liability and deal with unsettled claims, whose quality varies according to different types of insurance contracts. 保险责任准备金是保险组织为了承担未到期责任和处理未决赔款而从保费收入中提存的一种资金准备,它会因保险合同的类型不同而呈现出不同的性质。
Throughout studying fund management in foreign counties, the author analyzes the character of fund and relation between fund of compensation for damage from environmental tort and environment liability insurance. 通过介绍国外环境侵权损害赔偿基金的运用概况,分析了环境侵权损害赔偿基金的性质,阐明了它与环境侵权民事责任以及与环境责任保险的关系。
The paper starts with the discussion that the civil liabilities of the fund manager should fall into the umbrella of trusts and in essence this liability is a strict liability assumed by fund manager based on its trusteeship. 文章首先明确应在信托法律制度下追究基金管理人对投资人负有的民事赔偿责任,这种责任本质上是基金管理人基于其受托人地位向基金投资人所承担的严格责任。
Private equity fund managers in respect of civil liability in the final analysis, the risk of a fair market operation and distribution issues. 私募基金管理人的民事法律责任归根结底是一个市场经营风险的公平和分配的问题。
In the third part, how to relief the victims when the civil liability falls through is proposed: National Relief Fund, property liability insurance, public liability insurance. It is thought that the mandatory property liability insurance and public liability insurance are the best final solution. 第三部分提出民事法律责任落空时的救济方式:国家救助基金、强制物业责任险和强制公众责任险,并认为强制物业责任险和公众责任险是最佳最终的解决途径。
The behavior regulation legal system is about the conduct and risk regulation. The conduct regulation includes the disclosure and information system, the transaction fund and commission regulation. The risk regulation contains the deposit system and the professional liability insurance system. 行为监管法律制度主要从业务行为监管与风险防范监管两方面入手,前者包含信息披露与告知制度、交易资金监管与佣金监管;后者包含营业保证金制度与职业责任保险制度。
An insurer or an assuror or the fund, despite not being the offender of the oilpollution, is still one of the subjects of liability in the legal relation of compensation on oilpollution damage from ships. 保险人或者保证人,以及基金,尽管在船舶油污中不是加害人,但仍然是船舶油污损害赔偿关系的责任主体。
Discusses the Oil Pollution Compensation Fund and compulsory liability insurance, the basic concepts are explained and the need to create, explore the related legislation and provides some recommendations for system improvement. 探讨了油污损害赔偿基金和强制责任保险,阐述了两者的基本概念以及建立的必要性,探究了其相关立法规定,并为其制度完善提供了一些建议。
Private equity fund managers to bear civil liability for negligence practice is the real economy needs to respond to a basic, but also the substance of the legal pursuit of the basic requirements of justice. 私募基金管理人对执业过失承担民事责任,是对现实经济生活需要的一种基本回应,也是法律追求实质正义理念的基本要求。
Establishes the strict disciplinary punishment mechanism, strengthens fund managers legal liability and further consummates the fund holders 'law relief measures. 建立严格的惩戒机制,强化基金管理人的法律责任,进一步完善基金持有人的法律救济措施。
The third chapter introduces the United States super fund system of legal responsibility, and other national brownfields cleanup funding source, was designed by combining the current situation of our country, put forward to construct our brownfield legal liability framework. 第三章介绍美国超级基金制度中关于法律责任的内容,外加其他国家棕地治理资金的来源,目的是结合我国的现状,大胆提出构建适合我国的棕地法律责任框架。
We should set out physically from our country, and draw lessons from the advanced experience of flourishing nation, build up perfect mental damage system of environment tort, the environmental compensation fund system, and environment liability insurance system. 我们应当从本国实际出发、借鉴发达国家的先进经验,完善环境侵权精神损害赔偿责任制度,构建环境侵权损害赔偿基金制度和环境侵权责任保险制度。